The phoenix rises from the ashes and looks ready take flight.
And so he did...
I have swallowed heavily and accepted the fact. There is no going back.ari
Ari...aahhh..I know. At some point though, the practicality Pops taught me, and a hint of bias, I must.The wheels though...I'll post a photo when built. They'll hit you in the booboo.s.
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The phoenix rises from the ashes and looks ready take flight.
And so he did...
I have swallowed heavily and accepted the fact. There is no going back.
Ari...aahhh..I know. At some point though, the practicality Pops taught me, and a hint of bias, I must.
The wheels though...I'll post a photo when built. They'll hit you in the booboo.
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